Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Decentralized Access Control With Anonymous Authentication Of Data Stored In Clouds


We propose a new decentralized access control scheme for secure data storage in clouds that supports anonymous authentication. In the proposed scheme, the cloud verifies the authenticity of the series without knowing the user’s identity before storing data. Our scheme also has the added feature of access control in which only valid users are able to decrypt the stored information. The scheme prevents replay attacks and supports creation, modification, and reading data stored in the cloud. We also address user revocation. Moreover, our authentication and access control scheme is decentralized and robust, unlike other access control schemes designed for clouds which are centralized. The communication, computation, and storage overheads are comparable to centralized approaches.

Much of the data stored in clouds is highly sensitive, for example, medical records and social networks. Security and privacy are, thus, very important issues in cloud computing. In one hand, the user should authenticate itself before initiating any transaction, and on the other hand, it must be ensured that the cloud does not tamper with the data that is outsourced. User privacy is also required so that the cloud or other users do not know the identity of the user. The cloud can hold the user accountable for the data it outsources, and likewise, the cloud is itself accountable for the services it provides. The validity of the user who stores the data is also verified. Apart from the technical solutions to ensure security and privacy, there is also a need for law enforcement. Efficient search on encrypted data is also an important concern in clouds. The clouds should not know the query but should be able to return the records that satisfy the query.

·       It is unsecure.
·       No privacy.
·       Anyone can able to access and modify the data.
·       Problem here is that the data records should have keywords associated with them to enable the search.

Although we proposed a decentralized approach, their technique does not authenticate users, who want to remain anonymous while accessing the cloud. In an earlier work, proposed a distributed access control mechanism in clouds. However, the scheme did not provide user authentication. The other drawback was that a user can create and store a file and other users can only read the file. Write access was not permitted to users other than the creator. In the preliminary version of this paper, we extend our previous work with added features that enables to authenticate the validity of the message without revealing the identity of the user who has stored information in the cloud. In this version we also address user revocation, that was not addressed. We use ABS scheme to achieve authenticity and privacy. Unlike our scheme is resistant to replay attacks, in which a user can replace fresh data with stale data from a previous write, even if it no longer has valid claim policy. This is an important property because a user, revoked of its attributes, might no longer be able to write to the cloud. We, therefore, add this extra feature in our scheme and modify appropriately. Our scheme also allows writing multiple times which was not permitted in our earlier work.

·       It provides authentication of users who store and modify their data on the cloud.
·       It revoked users cannot access data after they have been revoked.
·       Costs are comparable to the existing centralized approaches.




ü Processor                  -        Pentium –IV

ü Speed                        -        1.1 Ghz
ü RAM                         -        512 MB(min)
ü Hard Disk                 -        40 GB
ü Key Board                -        Standard Windows Keyboard
ü Mouse                       -        Two or Three Button Mouse
ü Monitor                     -        LCD/LED


Operating system      :         Windows XP.
Coding Language      :         .Net
Data Base                 :         SQL Server 2005
Tool                          :         VISUAL STUDIO 2008.

Sushmita Ruj, Milos Stojmenovic and Amiya Nayak, Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2014.

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