The capability of selectively sharing encrypted data
with different users via public cloud storage may greatly ease security
concerns over inadvertent data leaks in the cloud. A key challenge to designing
such encryption schemes lies in the efficient management of encryption keys.
The desired flexibility of sharing any group of selected documents with any
group of users demands different encryption keys to be used for different
documents. However, this also implies the necessity of securely distributing to
users a large number of keys for both encryption and search, and those users
will have to securely store the received keys, and submit an equally large
number of keyword trapdoors to the cloud in order to perform search over the
shared data. The implied need for secure communication, storage, and complexity
clearly renders the approach impractical. In this paper, we address this
practical problem, which is largely neglected in the literature, by proposing
the novel concept of key aggregate searchable encryption (KASE) and
instantiating the concept through a concrete KASE scheme, in which a data owner
only needs to distribute a single key to a user for sharing a large number of documents, and the user only needs
to submit a single trapdoor to the cloud for querying the shared documents. The
security analysis and performance evaluation both confirm that our proposed
schemes are provably secure and practically efficient.
The aim is to build
practical data sharing system based on public cloud storage to avoid inadvertent
data leaks in the cloud and privacy for preserving data.
The scope of the project is key aggregate searchable
encryption (KASE) and instantiating the concept through a concrete KASE scheme,
in which a data owner only needs to distribute a single key to a user for
sharing a large number of documents, and the user only needs to submit a single
trapdoor to the cloud for querying the shared documents
Existing System
Multi-user Searchable Encryption
Keyword search under the
multi-tenancy setting is a more common scenario. In such a scenario, the data
owner would like to share a document with a group of authorized users, and each
user who has the access right can provide a trapdoor to perform the keyword search
over the shared document, namely, the “multi-user searchable encryption” (MUSE)
Multi-Key Searchable Encryption
MKSE allows a user to provide a single keyword trapdoor to the server,
but still allows the server to search for that trapdoor’s keyword in documents
encrypted with different keys. This might sound very similar to the goal of
KASE, but these are in fact two completely different concepts. The goal of KASE
is to delegate the keyword search right to any user by distributing the aggregate
key to him/her in a group data sharing system, whereas the goal of MKSE is to
ensure the cloud server can perform keyword search with one trapdoor over
different documents owing to a user.
Encryption for Data Sharing
Data sharing systems based on cloud storage have attracted much attention
recently. Consider how to reduce the number of distributed data encryption
keys. To share several documents with different encryption keys with the same
user, the data owner will need to distribute all such keys to him/her in a
traditional approach which is usually impractical. Aiming at this challenge, a
key aggregate Encryption (KAE) scheme for data sharing is proposed to generate
an aggregate key for the user to decrypt all the documents.
- The capability of selectively sharing encrypted data with different users via public cloud storage may greatly ease security concerns over inadvertent data leaks in the cloud.
- The implied need for secure communication, storage, and complexity clearly renders the approach impractical.
In this paper, address this challenge by proposing the novel concept of
key-aggregate searchable encryption (KASE), and instantiating the concept
through a concrete KASE scheme. The proposed KASE scheme applies to any cloud
storage that supports the searchable group data sharing functionality, which
means any user may selectively share a group of selected files with a group of
selected users, while allowing the latter to perform keyword search over the
former. To support searchable group data sharing the main requirements for
efficient key management are twofold. First, a data owner only needs to
distribute a single aggregate key (instead of a group of keys) to a user for
sharing any number of files. Second, the user only needs to submit a single
aggregate trapdoor (instead of a group of trapdoors) to the cloud for
performing keyword search over any number of shared files.
· In a KASE scheme, the owner only needs to distribute a single key to a user when sharing lots of documents with the user, and the user only needs to submit a single trapdoor when he queries over all documents shared by the same owner In a practical data sharing system based on cloud storage, the user can retrieve data by any possible device and the mobile devices are widely used now
· The security analysis and performance evaluation both confirm that our proposed schemes are provably secure and practically efficient.
System Configuration
· Processor - Pentium –III
· Speed - 1.1 Ghz
· RAM - 256 MB(min)
· Hard Disk - 20 GB
· Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB
· Key Board - Standard
Windows Keyboard
· Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
· Monitor - SVGA
System : Windows 7
Database : MYSQL
Liu, Z. ;
SHARING VIA CLOUD STORAGE "Computers, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:PP ,
Issue: 99 ) January 2015
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